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PTS - Basic Definitions 1


PTS Tech - Basic Definitions
Outline of PTS C/S One

When you start to handle a potential trouble source the first thing you must do is educate him  or her on the fundamental PTS data. This step is often called PTS C/S 1 as it is the first C/S instruction given in handling any PTS situation. The concept of PTS may not be widely known and although medical doctors for years have known that 'stress' is a factor in illness, etc., the importance of this does not fit into medical science as a whole as medicine only seeks to treat the body by physical means. As a result medical doctors are only willing to admit to the stress-factor unofficially and do not know much about it.

The first important step is 
education. Unless the PTS 
person has a good grasp 
   on, that these things actually   
do exist nothing will really 
change or get handled.

So unless you educate a pc or student in PTS data they will only have a very vague idea about what it is. You will have PTS students and pc's insisting they're not PTS regardless of the evidence. You will have upsets, protests, 'handled' PTS'es that are not handled and have the same problems again and again. The first big step in handling any condition is to recognize that such a condition can exist. This is only brought about by educational means.
Pc's and students will not cognite, will not take action and handle the antagonistic terminal, and they will not recover without this. Without sufficient education in these matters a handling is simply not given a chance to work. So a very thorough job must be done at this point to guarantee the success of any PTS handling.

You may want to take the educational step of the PTS person beyond what is given in this chapter (PTS Tech - Basic Definitions). There are books written on this. If you are handling a particular pc or situation you should take that into consideration. What is contained in this chapter is thus not all there is to know about the subject, but simply the minimum that all PTS persons should know before a handling is attempted. This is what all PTS students and pcs must know before any sort of PTS Interview or PTS Assist or any PTS auditing is undertaken.

The person subject to a lot of PTS'ness should be made to study the complete PTS Data. Understanding the full mechanisms behind what has been upsetting their lives can give a lot of relief all by itself. This chapter will simply give sufficient data and understanding so that the PTS person can begin to handle the PTS scene.

Going through the basic definitions can be done by an auditor in session or in the course room. Some pc's and students may protest and say they know the terms and issues. Tell them that this action is intended to make PTS handling effective for all and is a required step of the handling. If the auditor or Word Clearer uses excellent TRs and a good R-Factor no ARC breaks will occur and the person will have tremendous wins.

The auditor should know any additional materials real well and have them ready for reference and clear any questions or confusions the pc may have.

You need a Demo Kit and various dictionaries 
and handbooks to do this action. The pc has to 
give real examples from life to fully relate to it.


The following will be needed:
Technical Dictionary.
A good English Dictionary.
A good dictionary in the pc's or student's native language, and for a foreign language case a dual dictionary (English-to-foreign language and foreign language itself).
PTS and SP Definitions in Print-out file.
A demo kit

Have the pc define each term using the print-out sheet. 
You ask: "What is the definition of ___?" 
(You don't simply ask: "Do you know what this word means?") 
Have the pc give you the definition, then a couple of sentences, using the term correctly. 
Also, have him give you examples, whenever possible, using his own experience or real examples.
Have him do demos with a demo kit. 
Take definitions of all terms to an F/N.

Check for any questions (and misunderstoods) as you go along.
Make  sure any MU's and confusions are handled.


1. Give the R-Factor that you are going to clear the basic words and ideas that have to do with PTSness.
2. Clear the word AFFINITY. 
3. Clear the word REALITY. 
4. Clear the word COMMUNICATION. 
5. Clear ARC BREAK. 
6. Clear PROBLEM. 
7. Clear WITHHOLD.
9. Clear POSTULATE. 
10. Clear COUNTER (the prefix).
11. Have the pc or student demo several examples of a postulate and a counter-postulate.
13. Clear SUPPRESS. Have the pc or student demo several different examples of how someone or something could be suppressed.
14. Clear SUPPRESSION. Have the pc or student give you examples of suppression from movies he has seen or books he has read or suppression he has seen or experienced.
17. Clear ROLLER-COASTER. Have the pc or student demo roller-coaster. Ask him if he's ever been around anyone who roller-coastered. Let him tell you about it briefly if he wishes.
18. Clear POTENTIAL TROUBLE SOURCE (PTS). Have the pc or student demo this well.
(If this step is being done by a Word Clearer in the course room, end off at this point and send the pc or student to the Examiner. Then, get him started on the Study Section. (This can also be done in session on the Meter.)

Study Section: Have the pc study the chapter "PTS & SP Pack" from the book "Volunteer Minister's Handbook" and check him out on it, including spot checking words. (If these are not at hand the PTS Section of ST4Pro should be studied and known to the pc - excluding the auditing actions).

It is said "Knowledge is Power." The data contained in above, when fully done, will certainly add to the pc's power and ability to deal with any PTS situation. This completes the educational step.

Link to PTS Definitions, Print-out




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