Enturbulative Students

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The Supervisor of a course should not try to handle enturbulative students in the course room. The vast majority of students are willing and eager to learn and just want to get on with it. 

Normal difficulties students run into are easily handled with Word Clearing and other parts of the Study Technology. That a student has difficulties does not make him an enturbulative student. Also, a sharp Supervisor can catch any such development in time and have it handled in the course room. But if the student's behavior has become disruptive to the whole course and the progress of other students in general the student should be handled elsewhere.

The Supervisor sends any such entubulative student out of the class to be handled by Ethics or by an auditor. If none of these are available the Supervisor can handle the student himself, but after hours when the regular students have left.

The student should not be allowed back on course until the situation is handled and the student is capable to continue with the other students and do what he is supposed to do. You don't want to disrupt the whole course due to his special problems, difficulties, or disagreements.

This rule is not primarily to punish the student but to be able to give him the exact help and remedies needed to get him back on track. If he is just left unattended in the course room it will disrupt the progress of the many and the whole course may suffer from it.

Give the enturbulative student the help he needs; but do it away from the course room by use of metered  Word Clearing, False Data Stripping, auditing, or Ethics actions.



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